Academic Experience

  • Present 2023-09

    Research Fellow (Professor)

    Research Center for Information Technology Innovation (CITI), Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

  • 2023-09 2019-06

    Associate Research Fellow (Associate Professor)

    Research Center for Information Technology Innovation (CITI), Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

  • Present 2019-06

    Adjunct Associate Research Fellow

    Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

  • 2020-07 2019-08

    Joint Appointment Associate Professor

    Department of Information Management and Finance, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

  • 2019-06 2016-08

    Assistant Research Fellow (Assistant Professor)

    Research Center for Information Technology Innovation (CITI), Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

  • 2017-07 2016-08

    Adjunct Associate Professor

    Department of Computer Science, University of Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan

  • 2016-07 2016-02

    Associate Professor

    Department of Computer Science, University of Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan

  • 2016-01 2011-08

    Assistant Professor

    Department of Computer Science, University of Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan

  • 2014-07 2012-02

    Adjunct Assistant Professor

    Department of Computer Science, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan

  • 2011-3 2010-9

    Visiting Predoctoral Student

    Theory Group, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA
    Advisor: Prof. Ming-Yang Kao

Education & Training

  • Ph.D.2011-04

    Ph.D. in Computer Science and Information Engineering

    National Taiwan University

  • B.S.2006-06

    Bachelor in Computer Science

    National Chiao Tung University

Honors & Awards

  • 2023
    The third place of the TREC Product Product Search Track (TREC'23)
  • 2022
    The third (Chinese), seventh (Russian), and eighth (Persian) place of the TREC Cross-language Information Retrieval (NeuCLIR) 2022 contest (TREC'22)
  • 2022
    The first in the manual run and ninth place in the automatic run of the TREC Conversational Assistance Track (CAsT) 2022 contest (TREC'22)
  • 2021
    The second and third place in the manual run and seventh and eighth place in the automatic run of the TREC Conversational Assistance Track (CAsT) 2021 contest (TREC'21)
  • 2021
    The Exploration Research Award 2021 from the Pan Wen-Yuan Foundation
  • 2020
    2020 K. T. Li Young Researcher Award
  • 2020
    The second, third, and fifth place in the automatic response retrieval and fourth place in the manual retrieval of the TREC Conversational Assistance Track (CAsT) contest (TREC'20)
  • 2020
    The Young Scholars' Creativity Award 2020 from Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship
  • 2019
    The first place in the automatic run and the second place in the manual run of the TREC Conversational Assistance Track (CAsT) contest (TREC'19)
  • 2018
    Best Short Paper Runner-up Award, the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys’18), Vancouver, Canada
  • 2018
    Semifinalist for Best Paper Award (FMA'18)
    Semifinalist for Best Paper Award in Options and Derivatives, the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association (FMA’18), San Diego, USA
  • 2018
    The project, Financial Unstructured Data Analysis, Understanding, and Applications, was awarded the Project for Excellent Junior Research Investigators, Ministry of Science and Technology, for 3 years (2018/8-2021/7)
  • 2017
    Our paper, "Discovering Finance Keywords via Continuous Space Language Models," is selected by ACM Computing Reviews as Notable Article of the 21st Annual Best of Computing.
  • 2016
  • 2015
    Best Paper Award in derivatives sponsored by Chicago Trading Company, the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association (FMA'15), Orlando, USA
  • 2013 - 2015
    科技部補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才審定通過, 2014/08-2015/07.
    科技部補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才審定通過, 2013/08-2014/07.
  • 2012
    Best Paper Award, IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering & Economics (CIFEr'12), New York
  • 2011
    Best Doctoral Dissertation Runner-up Award
    Best Doctoral Dissertation Runner-up Award of Operations Research Society of Taiwan (ORSTW) and Chinese Institute of Decision Sciences (CID)
  • 2010
    NSC Predoctoral Research Abroad Award
  • 2010
    Best Paper Award in the Complexity Session, International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics (IMCIC'10), Orlando, USA
  • 2009, 2010
    Student Grant of Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship
  • 2010
    Southwestern Finance Association Student Travel Award
  • 2009
    ACM SIGAPP Student Travel Award for SAC 2009
  • 2003 - 2006
    Academic Achievement Award (NCTU)
    Academic Achievement Award, National Chiao Tung University

Research & Industry Projects

  • 2025/12 2025/01
    Advancements in Industrial Large Language Models: Construction and Applications, AS
  • 2027/07 2024/08
    Advancements in Developing Retrieval-based Language Models for Understanding Unstructured Financial Data and Their Applications, NSTC
    發展用於理解非結構化金融數據及其應用的檢索式語言模型,國科會 (NSTC 113-2221-E-001-012-MY3)
  • 2025/06 2024/07
    [Industry Project]
    The Construction and Application of Large Language Models in Intelligent and/or Green Buildings, Delta Electronics
  • 2024/10 2023/11
    [Industry Project]
    Dense Information Retrieval and Its Applications, NVIDIA
  • 2023/12 2023/01
    [Industry Project]
    On the Development of Online Advertisement Perdition Models, CLICKFORCE
  • 2023/08 2021/09
    [Industry Project]
    On the Construction of Meta Data of TV and Video On Demand Programs, KKStream
  • 2024/07 2021/08
    Multi-period Event Prediction Through Neural Parametric Family Learning, MOST
    運用神經網路參數家庭學習進行多時期事件預測,科技部 (MOST 110-2221-E-001-011-MY3)
  • 2023/07 2021/08
    [Industry Project]
    Artificial Intelligence Research and Its Applications in Finance, E.SUN Commercial Bank
  • 2022/03 2021/04
    [Industry Project]
    Measuring similarity between legal documents based on transformer-based language models, MetaEdge
    基於 transformer-based 之模型的法規相似性比對,捷智商訊科技
  • 2021/05 2020/06
    Intelligent OTC Trading and Robo-advising System using Multimodal Big-data Analytics and Distributed Blockchain Computation (4/4), MOST
    以多模式大數據分析與分散式區塊鏈運算開發智慧型店頭市場交易與機器人理財系統 (4/4),科技部 (MOST 109-2218-E-009-015-)
  • 2021/07 2019/08
    [Industry Project]
    Artificial Intelligence Research and Its Applications in Finance, E.SUN Commercial Bank
  • 2020/05 2019/06
    A Unified Framework for Processing and Understanding Heterogeneous Data for Intelligent Recommendation (3/3), MOST
    整合異質性資料之智能推薦架構 (3/3),科技部 (MOST 108-2218-E-002-054-)
  • 2020/05 2019/06
    Intelligent OTC Trading and Robo-advising System using Multimodal Big-data Analytics and Distributed Blockchain Computation (3/3), MOST
    以多模式大數據分析與分散式區塊鏈運算開發智慧型店頭市場交易與機器人理財系統 (3/3),科技部 (MOST 108-2218-E-009-049-)
  • 2021/08 2018/12
    [Industry Project]
    On the Construction of the Embedding Space of Titles, Text, and the Meta Data from Crawled Corpus and TV and Video On Demand Recommendation, KKStream
  • 2021/07 2018/08
    Financial Unstructured Data Analysis, Understanding, and Applications, MOST
    財務非結構化數據之分析、理解及其應用,科技部 (MOST 107-2628-E-001-006-MY3)[優秀年輕學者研究計畫]
  • 2019/05 2018/06
    A Unified Framework for Processing and Understanding Heterogeneous Data for Intelligent Recommendation (2/3), MOST
    整合異質性資料之智能推薦架構 (2/3),科技部 (MOST 107-2218-E-002-061-)
  • 2019/05 2018/06
    Intelligent OTC Trading and Robo-advising System using Multimodal Big-data Analytics and Distributed Blockchain Computation (2/3), MOST
    以多模式大數據分析與分散式區塊鏈運算開發智慧型店頭市場交易與機器人理財系統 (2/3),科技部 (MOST 107-2218-E-009-052-)
  • 2018/10 2017/08
    [Industry Project]
    Product Recommendation and Customer Status Prediction Using Customer Profile Data, Cathay Financial Holdings
  • 2018/07 2017/08
    Path-Dependent Financial Instruments Evaluation and Analysis on the Nonlinearity/Approximation Errors (II), MOST
    路徑相關型金融商品評價與其引進之非線性及近似誤差分析 (II),科技部 (MOST 106-2221-E-001-003-)
  • 2019/07 2017/08
    Heterogeneous Big Data Embedding for Recommender Systems, MOST
    異質性巨量資料表示法學習於推薦系統之應用,科技部 (MOST 106-2221-E-004-009-MY2)
  • 2018/05 2017/06
    A Unified Framework for Processing and Understanding Heterogeneous Data for Intelligent Recommendation (1/3), MOST
    整合異質性資料之智能推薦架構 (1/3),科技部 (MOST 106-3114-E-002-007-)
  • 2018/05 2017/06
    Intelligent OTC Trading and Robo-advising System using Multimodal Big-data Analytics and Distributed Blockchain Computation (1/3), MOST
    以多模式大數據分析與分散式區塊鏈運算開發智慧型店頭市場交易與機器人理財系統 (1/3),科技部 (MOST 106-3114-E-009-011-)
  • 2017/07 2016/10
    [Industry Project]
    Valuation of zero coupon callable bonds, Taipei Exchange
  • 2017/07 2016/08
    Path-Dependent Financial Instruments Evaluation and Analysis on the Nonlinearity/Approximation Errors, MOST
    路徑相關型金融商品評價與其引進之非線性及近似誤差分析,科技部 (MOST 105-2221-E-001-035-)
  • 2017/01 2016/08
    [Industry Project]
    User Topic Modeling Based on Web Browsing Logs, Appier
  • 2016/07 2015/08
    Word Sentiment Analysis and Lexicon Expansion via Deep Learning for Financial Risk Predictions, MOST
    基於『文字情緒分析』與『深度學習之情緒詞彙擴增』於財務風險預測之應用 (MOST-104-2221-E-004-010)
  • 2016/07 2013/08
    Optimal Search for Parameters in Monte Carlo Simulation with Applications in Finance, MOST
    蒙地卡羅法參數搜尋之最佳化及其在財務上之應用,科技部 (MOST-102-2221-E-845-002-MY3)
  • 2013/07 2011/09
    Multivariate Lattice Construction and Its Applications, MOST
    多變量樹狀模型之建構分析及其應用,科技部 (NSC-100-2218-E-133-001-MY2)

Filtered by type:

SURF: A System to Unveil Explainable Risk Relations between Firms

Yu-Hsiang Wang, Wei-Ning Chiu, Yi-Tai Hsiao, Yu-Shiang Huang, Yi-Shyuan Chiang, Shuo-En Wu, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsTo appear in Proceedings of the 2025 Annual Conference of the Nations of the Americas Chapter of the ACL (NAACL'25), New Mexico, 2025. (demo paper)

BETag: Behavior-enhanced Item Tagging with Finetuned Large Language Models

Shao-En Lin, Brian Liu, Miao-Chen Chiang, Ming-Yi Hong, Yu-Shiang Huang, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Che Lin
Conference ProceedingsTo appear in Proceedings of the Web Conference 2025 (formerly known as WWW), Sydney, 2025. (full paper, acceptance rate: 19.8%)

MMLF: Multi-query Multi-passage Late Fusion Retrieval

Yuan-Ching Kuo, Yi Yu, Chih-Ming Chen, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsTo appear in Proceedings of the the 2025 Annual Conference of the Nations of the Americas Chapter of the ACL (NAACL'25), New Mexico, 2025. (findings paper, poster presentation)

Time-aware Graph Attention Networks for Multi-period Default Prediction

Cheng-Wei Lin, Yu-Pao Tu, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 5th ACM International Conference on AI in Finance (ICAIF'24), New York, 2024, pp. 204-212. (full paper, oral presentation)

Accurate Neural Network Option Pricing Methods with Control Variate Techniques and Data Synthesis/Cleaning with Financial Rationality

Chia-Wei Hsu, Tian Shyr Dai, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Ying-Ping Chen
Confeence ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 33th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'24), Boise, 2024, pp. 860-869. (full paper, acceptance rate: 23%) (The paper has been selected to appear in the ACM Showcase on Kudos.)

Relevance-aware Diverse Query Generation for Out-of-domain Text Ranking

Jia-Huei Ju, Chao-Han Huck Yang, Szu-Wei Fu, Ming-Feng Tsai, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (RepL4NLP@ACL'24), Bangkok, 2024, pp. 26–36.

ECO: Efficient Computational Optimization for Exact Machine Unlearning in Deep Neural Networks

Yu-Ting Huang, Pei-Yuan Wu, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference TalkThe 2nd Workshop on Advancing Neural Network Training: Computational Efficiency, Scalability, and Resource Optimization at the International Conference on Machine Learning (WANT@ICML'24), Vienna, 2024.

SARA: Semantic-assisted Reinforced Active Learning for Entity Alignment

Ching-Hsuan Liu, Chih-Ming Chen, Jing-Kai Lou, Ming-Feng Tsai, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'24), Yokohama, 2024, pp. 1-10. (full paper)

Efficient Exponential Tilting with Applications

Cheng-Der Fuh and Chuan-Ju Wang
Journal PaperStatistics and Computing , 34(65), Article No. 65, 2024.


To minimize the variance of Monte Carlo estimators, we develop a novel exponential embedding technique that extends the classical concept of sufficient statistics in importance sampling. Our method demonstrates bounded relative error and logarithmic efficiency when applied to normal and gamma distributions, especially in rare event scenarios. To illustrate this innovative technique, we address the problem of credit risk measurement in portfolios and present an efficient simulation algorithm to estimate the likelihood of significant portfolio losses, leveraging multi-factor models with a normal mixture copula. Finally, supported by comprehensive simulation studies, our approach offers a more effective and efficient way to simulate moderately rare events.

Markov Chain Importance Sampling for Minibatches

Cheng-Der Fuh*, Chuan-Ju Wang*, and Chen-Hung Pai
Journal PaperMachine Learning, 113, 789-814, 2024. (* indicates equal contributions)


This study investigates importance sampling under the scheme of mini-batch stochastic gradient descent, under which the contributions are twofold. First, theoretically, we develop a neat tilting formula, which can be regarded as a general device for asymptotically optimal importance sampling. Second, practically, guided by the formula, we present an effective algorithm for importance sampling which accounts for the effects of minibatches and leverages the Markovian property of the gradients between iterations. Experiments conducted on artificial data confirm that our algorithm consistently delivers superior performance in terms of variance reduction. Furthermore, experiments carried out on real-world data demonstrate that our method, when paired with relatively straightforward models like multilayer perceptron (MLP) and convolutional neural networks (CNN), outperforms in terms of training loss and testing error.

Multi-behavior Recommendation with Action Pattern-aware Networks

Chia-Ying Tsao, Chih-Ting Yeh, Roger Jang, Yung-Yaw Chen, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT'23), Venice, 2023, pp. 16-23. (full paper, acceptance rate: 20%)

A Compare-and-contrast Multistage Pipeline for Uncovering Financial Signals in Financial Reports

Jia-Huei Ju, Yu-Shiang Huang, Cheng-Wei Lin, Che Lin, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'23), Toronto, 2023, pp. 14307-14321. (full paper, acceptance rate: 25.2%)

Improving Conversational Passage Re-ranking with View Ensemble

Jia-Huei Ju, Sheng-Chieh Lin, Ming-Feng Tsai, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR'23), Taipei, 2023, pp. 2077-2081 (short paper, acceptance rate: 25.12%)

Multiperiod Corporate Default Prediction – A Domain Knowledge-Tailored Neural Network Approach

Wei-Lun Lou, Jin-Chuan Duan, Ming-Feng Tsai, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference TalkThe 32nd European Financial Management Association Annual Meetings (EFMA'23), Cardiff, 2023.

FISH: A Financial Interactive System for Signal Highlighting

Ta-Wei Huang, Jia-Huei Ju, Yu-Shiang Huang, Cheng-Wei Lin, Yi-Shyuan Chiang, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL'23), Dubrovnik (hybrid), 2023, pp. 50-56. (demo paper)

CPR: Cross-domain Preference Ranking with User Transformation

Yu-Ting Huang, Hsien-Hao Chen, Tung-Lin Wu, Chia-Yu Yeh, Jing-Kai Lou, Ming-Feng Tsai, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR'23), Dublin, 2023, pp. 448-456. (short paper, acceptance rate: 27%)

A Stochastic-Volatility Equity-Price Tree for Pricing Convertible Bonds with Endogenous Firm Values and Default Risks Determined by the First-Passage Default Model.

Tian-Shyr Dai, Chen-Chiang Fan, Liang-Chih Liu, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Jr-Yan Wang.
Journal PaperJournal of Futures Markets, 42(12), 2103-2134, 2022.


This paper proposes a novel equity-price-tree-based convertible bond (CB) pricing model based on the first-passage default model under stochastic interest rates. By regarding equity values as down-and-out call options on firm values (FVs), at each tree node, we solve the implied FV and equity-price volatility (EPV), and then endogenously settle the default probability (DP) and also the dilution effect subject to CB conversions with the implied FV and capital structure. Our model captures the stylized negative (positive) relationships between the stochastically evolving DP and FV or EP (EPV) that cannot be fully achieved by existing CB pricing models.

IPR: Interaction-level Preference Ranking for Explicit Feedback

Shih-Yang Liu, Hsien Hao Chen, Chih-Ming Chen, Ming-Feng Tsai, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR'22), Madrid (hybrid), 2022, pp. 1912-1916. (short paper, acceptance rate: 24.7%)

RecDelta: An Interactive Dashboard on Top-k Recommendation for Cross-model Evaluation

Yi-Shyuan Chiang, Yu-Ze Liu, Chen Feng Tsai, Jing-Kai Lou, Ming-Feng Tsai, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR'22), Madrid (hybrid), 2022, pp. 3324-3228. (demo paper, acceptance rate: 52%)

Efficient and Robust Combinatorial Option Pricing Algorithms on the Trinomial Lattice for Polynomial and Barrier Options

Jr-Yan Wang, Chuan-Ju Wang, Tian-Shyr Dai, Tzu-Chun Chen, Liang-Chih Liu, and Lei Zhou
Journal PaperMathematical Problems in Engineering, Article ID 5843491, 2022.


Options can be priced by the lattice model, the results of which converge to the theoretical option value as the lattice's number of time steps n approaches infinity. The time complexity of a common dynamic programming pricing approach on the lattice is slow (at least O(n^2)), and a large n is required to obtain accurate option values. Although O(n)-time combinatorial pricing algorithms have been developed for the classical binomial lattice, significantly oscillating convergence behavior makes them impractical. The flexibility of trinomial lattices can be leveraged to reduced the oscillation, but there are as yet no linear-time algorithms on trinomial lattices. We develop O(n)-time combinatorial pricing algorithms for polynomial options that cannot be analytically priced. The commonly traded plain vanilla and power options are degenerate cases of polynomial options. Barrier options that cannot be stably priced by the binomial lattice can be stably priced by our O(n)-time algorithm on a trinomial lattice. Numerical experiments demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of our O(n)-time trinomial lattice algorithms.

Item Concept Network: Towards Concept-based Item Representation Learning

Ting-Hsiang Wang*, Hsiu-Wei Yang*, Chih-Ming Chen, Ming-Feng Tsai, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Journal PaperIEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 34(3), 1258-1274, 2022. (* indicates equal contributions)


Item concept modeling is commonly achieved by leveraging textual information. However, many existing models do not leverage the inferential property of concepts to capture word meanings, which therefore ignores the relatedness between correlated concepts, a phenomenon which we term conceptual “correlation sparsity.” In this paper, we distinguish between word modeling and concept modeling and propose an item concept modeling framework centering around the item concept network (ICN). ICN models and further enriches item concepts by leveraging the inferential property of concepts and thus addresses the correlation sparsity issue. Specifically, there are two stages in the proposed framework: ICN construction and embedding learning. In the first stage, we propose a generalized network construction method to build ICN, a structured network which infers expanded concepts for items via matrix operations. The second stage leverages neighborhood proximity to learn item and concept embeddings. With the proposed ICN, the resulting embedding facilitates both homogeneous and heterogeneous tasks, such as item-to-item and concept-to-item retrieval, and delivers related results which are more diverse than traditional keyword-matching-based approaches. As our experiments on two real-world datasets show, the framework encodes useful conceptual information and thus outperforms traditional methods in various item classification and retrieval tasks.

Multiperiod Corporate Default Prediction Through Neural Parametric Family Learning

Wei-Lun Luo, Yu-Ming Lu, Jheng-Hong Yang, Jin-Chuan Duan, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 22nd SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM'22), Alexandria (hybrid), 2022, pp. 316-324. (full paper, acceptance rate: 27.8%)

INForex: Interactive News Digest for Forex Investors

Chih-Hen Lee, Yi-Shyuan Chiang, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 44th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR'22), Stavanger, 2022, pp. 300-304. (demo paper, acceptance rate: 55%)

Analytical Pricing Formulae for Vulnerable Vanilla and Barrier Options

Liang-Chih Liu, Chun-Yuan Chiu, Chuan-Ju Wang, Tian-Shyr Dai, and Hao-Han Chang
Journal PaperReview of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 58, 137-170, 2022.


This paper proposes analytically vulnerable vanilla option pricing formulae that simultaneously consider the premature default, the correlation between the underlying asset and the issuer's asset, and other outstanding debts of the issuer. Our pricing formulae can be easily extended to solve the problem of pricing vulnerable barrier options, which has been rarely studied before. We show that previous studies on pricing (non)-vulnerable vanilla options and barrier options are degenerate cases of our formulae. We conduct numerical experiments to analyze the relations among the financial/contract parameters and counterparty risk, and also empirically evaluate vulnerable vanilla warrants on the TAIEX issued by Capital Securities with detailed studies of parameter calibrations to examine the robustness of our approach.

A Learning Framework with Disposable Auxiliary Networks for Early Prediction of Product Success

Chih-Ting Yeh, Zhe-Li Lin, Sheng-Chieh Lin, Jing-Kai Lou, Ming-Feng Tsai, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 20th IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT'21), online, 2021, pp. 186-193. (full paper)

XRR: Explainable Risk Ranking for Financial Reports

Ting-Wei Lin, Ruei-Yao Sun, Hsuan-Ling Chang, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Ming-Feng Tsai
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD'21), online, 2021, pp. 253-268. (full paper, acceptance rate: 29%)

HIVE: Hierarchical Information Visualization for Explainability

Yi-Ning Juan, Yi-Shyuan Chiang, Shang-Chuan Liu, Ming-Feng Tsai, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'21), online, 2021, pp. 4988-4991. (demo paper, acceptance rate: 24%)

Text-to-Text Multi-view Learning for Passage Re-ranking

Jia-Huei Ju, Jheng-Hong Yang, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR'21), online, 2021, pp. 1803–1807. (short paper, acceptance rate: 27.6%)

LSTPR: Graph-based Matrix Factorization with Long Short-term Preference Ranking

Chih-Hen Lee, Jun-En Ding, Chih-Ming Chen, Jing-Kai Lou, Ming-Feng Tsai, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR'21), online, 2021, pp. 2222–2226. (short paper, acceptance rate: 27.6%)

Multi-stage Conversational Passage Retrieval: An Approach to Fusing Term Importance Estimation and Neural Query Rewriting

Jheng-Hong Yang*, Sheng-Chieh Lin*, Rodrigo Nogueira, Ming-Feng Tsai, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Jimmy Lin
Journal PaperACM Transactions on Information Systems, 39(4), Article No. 48, 2021. (* indicates equal contributions)


Conversational search plays a vital role in conversational information seeking. As queries in information seeking dialogues are ambiguous for traditional ad-hoc information retrieval (IR) systems due to the coreference and omission resolution problems inherent in natural language dialogue, resolving these ambiguities is crucial. In this paper, we tackle conversational passage retrieval (ConvPR), an important component of conversational search, by addressing query ambiguities with query reformulation integrated into a multi-stage ad-hoc IR system. Specifically, we propose two conversational query reformulation (CQR) methods: (1) term importance estimation and (2) neural query rewriting. For the former, we expand conversational queries using important terms extracted from the conversational context with frequency-based signals. For the latter, we reformulate conversational queries into natural, standalone, human-understandable queries with a pretrained sequence-to-sequence model. Detailed analyses of the two CQR methods are provided quantitatively and qualitatively, explaining their advantages, disadvantages, and distinct behaviors. Moreover, to leverage the strengths of both CQR methods, we propose combining their output with reciprocal rank fusion, yielding state-of-the-art retrieval effectiveness, 30\% improvement in terms of NDCG@3 compared to the best submission of TREC CAsT 2019.

NFinBERT: A Number-Aware Language Model for Financial Disclosures

Hao-Lun Lin, Jr-Shian Wu, Yu-Shiang Huang, Ming-Feng Tsai, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 6th Swiss Text Analytics Conference (SwissText'21), online, 2021. (short paper)

A Multi-step-ahead Markov Conditional Forward Model with Cube Perturbations for Extreme Weather Forecasting

Chia-Yuan Chang*, Cheng-Wei Lu*, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'21), online, 2021, pp. 6948-6955. (full paper, acceptance rate: 21%, * indicates equal contributions)

Query Expansion with Semantic-based Ellipsis Reduction for Conversational IR

Chia-Yuan Chang*, Hsien-Hao Chen*, Ning Chen*, Wei-Ting Chiang*, Chih-Hen Lee*, Yu-Hsuan Tseng*, Ming-Feng Tsai, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 29th Text REtrieval Conference (TREC'20), online, 2020. (* indicates equal contributions) (The second, third, fifth place in the automatic run and the fourth place in the manual run)

Designing Templates for Eliciting Commonsense Knowledge from Pretrained Sequence-to-Sequence Models

Jheng-Hong Yang*, Sheng-Chieh Lin*, Rodrigo Nogueira, Ming-Feng Tsai, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Jimmy Lin
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'20), online, 2020, pp. 3449-3453. (short paper, oral presentation, acceptance rate: 26.2%, * indicates equal contributions)

TPR: Text-aware Preference Ranking for Recommender Systems

Yu-Neng Chuang*, Chih-Ming Chen*, Chuan-Ju Wang, Ming-Feng Tsai, Yuan Fang, and Ee Peng Lim
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'20), Galway (online), 2020, pp. 215-224. (full paper, acceptance rate: 21%, * indicates equal contributions)

Skewness Ranking Optimization for Personalized Recommendation

Chuan-Ju Wang*, Yu-Neng Chuang*, Chih-Ming Chen, and Ming-Feng Tsai
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 36th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI'20), Toronto (online), 2020, PMLR 124:400–409. (full paper, acceptance rate: 27.6%, * indicates equal contributions)

Self-attentive Sentimental Sentence Embedding for Sentiment Analysis

Sheng-Chieh Lin, Wen-Yuh Su, Po-Chuan Chien, Ming-Feng Tsai, Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 45th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'20), Barcelona (online), 2020, pp. 1678-1682.

Query and Answer Expansion from Conversation History

Jheng-Hong Yang, Sheng-Chieh Lin, Jimmy Lin, Ming-Feng Tsai, Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 28th Text REtrieval Conference (TREC'19), Gaithersburg, 2019. (The first place in the automatic run and the second place in the manual run)

SMORe: Modularize Graph Embedding for Recommendation

Chih-Ming Chen, Ting-Hsiang Wang, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Ming-Feng Tsai
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (Recsys'19), Copenhagen, 2019, pp. 582-583. (Tutorial paper)

Negative-Aware Collaborative Filtering

Sheng-Chieh Lin, Yu-Neng Chuang, Sheng-Fang Yang, Ming-Feng Tsai and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (Recsys'19), Copenhagen, 2019. (LBR paper, acceptance rate: 31%)

Beyond Word-level to Sentence-level Sentiment Analysis for Financial Reports

Chi-Han Du, Ming-Feng Tsai, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 44th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'19), Brighton, 2019, pp. 1562-1566.

Collaborative Similarity Embedding for Recommender Systems

Chih-Ming Chen, Chuan-Ju Wang, Ming-Feng Tsai, and Yi-Hsuan Yang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the Web Conference 2019 (formerly known as WWW), San Francisco, 2019, pp. 2637-2643. (short paper, acceptance rate: 20%)

Assessing the Profitability of Timely Opening Range Breakout on Index Futures Markets

Yi-Cheng Tsai, Mu-En Wu, Jia-Hao Syu, Chin-Laung Lei, Chung-Shu Wu, Jan-Ming Ho, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Journal PaperIEEE Access, 7, 32061-32071, 2019.


This paper presents timely open range breakout (TORB) strategies for index futures market trading via using one-minute intraday data. We observe that the trading volumes and fluctuations in returns on each one-minute interval of trading hours in the futures markets reach their peaks at the opening and closing of the underlying stock markets. With these observations, we align the active hours of an index futures market with its underlying stock market and test the proposed TORB strategies on the DJIA, S&P 500, NASDAQ, HSI, and TAIEX index futures from 2003 to 2013. In the experiments, the proposed strategy achieves over 8% annual returns with p-values less than 3% in all of the five markets; the best performance, 20.28% annual returns at a p-value of 3.1x10^{−5}%, is reached in the TAIEX. For each market, we also find the best probing time, which is relatively short in the US market and relatively long in Asian markets. Furthermore, we conduct experiments on a TAIEX futures transaction dataset to analyze the relationship between the TORB signals and trader behavior, and find the TORB signals are in the same direction as institutional traders, especially foreign investment institutions.

Keyword Extraction with Character-level Convolutional Neural Tensor Networks

Zhe-Li Lin and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD'19), Macau, 2019, pp. 400-413. (full paper, acceptance rate: 24.7%)

UGSD: User Generated Sentiment Dictionaries from Online Customer Reviews

Chun-Hsiang Wang, Kang-Chun Fan, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Ming-Feng Tsai
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'19), Honolulu, 2019, pp. 313-320. (full paper, acceptance rate: 16.2%)

FRIDAYS: A Financial Risk Information Detecting and Analyzing System

Chi-Han Du, Yi-Shyuan Chiang*, Kun-Che Tsai*, Liang-Chih Liu, Ming-Feng Tsai, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'19), Honolulu, 2019, pp. 9853-9854. (demo paper, * indicates equal contributions)

NavWalker: Information Augmented Network Embedding

Kwei-Herng Lai, Chih-Ming Chen, Ming-Feng Tsai, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'18), Santiago, 2018, pp. 9-16. (full paper)

An Accurate Lattice Model for Pricing Catastrophe Equity Put under the Jump-Diffusion Process

Chuan-Ju Wang and Tian-Shyr Dai
Journal PaperIEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 13(4), 35-45, 2018.


A catastrophe equity put (CatEPut) is constructed to recapitalize an insurance company that suffers huge compensation payouts due to catastrophic events (CEs). The company can exercise its CatEPut to sell its stock to the counterparty at a predetermined price when its accumulated loss due to CEs exceeds a predetermined threshold and its own stock price falls below the strike price. Much literature considers the evaluations of a CatEPut that can only be exercised at maturity; however, most CatEPuts can be exercised early so the company can receive timely funding. This paper adopts lattice approaches to evaluate CatEPuts with early exercise features. To solve the combinatorial exposition problem due to the trigger of CatEPuts' accumulated loss, our method reduces the possible number of accumulated losses by taking advantage of the closeness of integral additions. We also identify and alleviate a new type of nonlinearity error that yields unstable numerical pricing results by adjusting the lattice structure. We provide a rigorous mathematical proof to show how the proposed lattice can be constructed under a mild condition. Comprehensive numerical experiments are also given to demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of our lattice.

HOP-Rec: High-Order Proximity for Implicit Recommendation

Jheng-Hong Yang, Chih-Ming Chen, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Ming-Feng Tsai
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (Recsys'18), Vancouver, 2018, pp. 140-144. (short paper, oral presentation, acceptance rate: 25%) (Best short paper runner-up)

Superhighway: Bypass Data Sparsity in Cross-Domain Collaborative Filtering

Kwei-Herng Lai*, Ting-Hsiang Wang*, Heng-Yu Chi, Yian Chen, Ming-Feng Tsai, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (Recsys'18), Vancouver, 2018. (poster paper, acceptance rate: 38%, * indicates equal contributions)

Representation Learning for Image-based Music Recommendation

Chih-Chun Hsia, Kwei-Herng Lai, Yian Chen, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Ming-Feng Tsai
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (Recsys'18), Vancouver, 2018. (poster paper, acceptance rate: 38%)

An Accurate Lattice Model For Pricing Catastrophe Equity Put Under the Jump-Diffusion Process

Chuan-Ju Wang and Tian-Shyr Dai
Conference TalkThe 2018 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association (FMA'18), San Diego, 2018. (Semifinalist for best paper award in options and derivatives)

RiskFinder: A Sentence-level Risk Detector for Financial Reports

Yu-Wen Liu, Liang-Chih Liu, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Ming-Feng Tsai
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL'18), New Orleans, 2018, pp. 81-85. (demo paper)

Exploring the Persistent Behavior of Financial Markets

Yi-Cheng Tsai, Chin-Laung Lei, William Cheung, Chung-Shu Wu, Jan-Ming Ho, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Journal PaperFinance Research Letters, 24, 199–220, 2018.


This paper presents the persistent behavior hypothesis for financial markets, which is tested statistically on five stock indices from 2001 to 2014. We find significant results in all five stock markets for the full sample period as well as subperiods. A persistent behavior strategy (PBS) on index futures is also presented, the net annual returns of which are significantly higher than 15% in all futures markets including transaction costs. The best performance, about 27%, occurs in the E-mini NASDAQ 100 and TAIEX futures. We also present studies on the impact of investor behavior over market price of TAIEX futures.

Text Embedding for Sub-Entity Ranking from User Reviews

Chih-Yu Chao*, Yi-Fan Chu*, Hsiu-Wei Yang, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Ming-Feng Tsai
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 26th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'17), Singapore, 2017, pp. 2011-2014. (short paper, acceptance rate: 30%, * indicates equal contributions)

ICE: Item Concept Embedding via Textual Information

Chuan-Ju Wang, Ting-Hsiang Wang*, Hsiu-Wei Yang*, Bo-Sin Chang, and Ming-Feng Tsai
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR'17), Tokyo, 2017, pp. 85-94. (full paper, acceptance rate: 22%, * indicates equal contributions)

On the Risk Prediction and Analysis of Soft Information in Finance Reports

Ming-Feng Tsai and Chuan-Ju Wang
Journal PaperEuropean Journal of Operational Research, 257(1), 243-250, 2017.


We attempt in this paper to utilize soft information in financial reports to analyze financial risk among companies. Specifically, on the basis of the text information in financial reports, which is the so-called soft information, we apply analytical techniques to study relations between texts and financial risk. Furthermore, we conduct a study on financial sentiment analysis by using a finance-specific sentiment lexicon to examine the relations between financial sentiment words and financial risk. A large collection of financial reports published annually by publicly-traded companies is employed to conduct our experiments; moreover, two analytical techniques – regression and ranking methods – are applied to conduct these analyses. The experimental results show that, based on a bag-of-words model, using only financial sentiment words results in performance comparable to using the whole texts; this confirms the importance of financial sentiment words with respect to risk prediction. In addition to this performance comparison, via the learned models, we draw attention to some strong and interesting correlations between texts and financial risk. These valuable findings yield greater insight and understanding into the usefulness of soft information in financial reports and can be applied to a broad range of financial and accounting applications.

Discovering Finance Keywords via Continuous Space Language Models

Ming-Feng Tsai, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Po-Chuan Chien
Journal PaperACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 7(3), Article No. 7, 2016. (Notable article of the 21st annual best of computing selected by ACM Computing Reviews)


The growing amount of public financial data makes it more and more important to learn how to discover valuable information for financial decision-making. This paper proposes an approach to discovering financial keywords from a large number of financial reports. In particular, we apply the continuous bag-of-words (CBOW) model, a well-known continuous space language model, to the textual information in 10-K financial reports to discover new finance keywords. In order to capture word meanings to better locate financial terms, we also present a novel technique to incorporate syntactic information into the CBOW model. Experimental results on four prediction tasks using the discovered keywords demonstrate that our approach is effective for discovering predictability keywords for postevent volatility, stock volatility, abnormal trading volume, and excess return predictions. Furthermore, we also analyze the discovered keywords which attest the ability of the proposed method to capture both syntactic and contextual information between words; this shows the success of this method when applied to the field of Finance.

Evaluating Corporate Bonds and Analyzing Claim Holders’ Decisions with Complex Debt Structure

Liang-Chih Liu, Tian-Shyr Dai, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Journal PaperJournal of Banking and Finance, 72, 151-174, 2016.


Although many different aspects of debt structures such as bond covenants and repayment schedules are empirically found to significantly influence values of bonds and equity, many theoretical structural models still oversimplify debt structures and fail to capture phenomena found in financial markets. This paper proposes a carefully designed structural model that faithfully models typical complex debt structures containing multiple bonds with various covenants. For example, the ability for an issuing firm to meet an obligation is modeled to rely on its ability to meet previous repayments, and the default trigger is shaped according to the characteristics of its debt structure such as the amount and schedule of bond repayments. Thus our framework reliably provides theoretical insight and concrete quantitative measurements consistent with extant empirical research such as the shapes of yield spread curves under various firm's financial statuses, and the impact of payment blockage covenants on newly-issued and other outstanding bonds. We also develop the forest, a novel quantitative method to handle contingent changes in the debt structure due to premature bond redemptions. A forest consists of several trees %arranged in layers, that capture different debt structures, for instance those before or after a bond redemption. This method can be used to analyze how poison put covenants in the target firm's bonds influence the bidder's costs of debt financing for a leveraged buyout, or investigate how the presence of wealth transfer among the remaining claim holders due to a bond redemption influences the firm's call policy, or further reconcile conflicts among previous empirical studies on call delay phenomena.

Optimal Search for Parameters in Monte Carlo Simulation for Derivative Pricing

Chuan-Ju Wang, and Ming-Yang Kao
Journal PaperEuropean Journal of Operational Research, 249(2), 683-690, 2016.


This paper provides a novel and general framework for the problem of searching parameter space in Monte Carlo simulations. We propose a deterministic online algorithm and a randomized online algorithm to search for suitable parameter values for derivative pricing which are needed to achieve desired precisions. We also give the competitive ratios of the two algorithms and prove the optimality of the algorithms. Experimental results on the performance of the algorithms are presented and analyzed as well.

FIN10K: A Web-based Information System for Financial Report Analysis and Visualization

Yu-Wen Liu, Liang-Chih Liu, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Ming-Feng Tsai
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'16), Indianapolis, 2016, pp. 2441-2444. (demo paper, acceptance rate: 34.5%)

Dish Discovery via Word Embeddings on Restaurant Reviews

Chih-Yu Chao, Yi-Fan Chu, Yi Ho, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Ming-Feng Tsai
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys'16), Boston, 2016. (poster paper)

Pricing Convertible Bonds under the First-Passage Credit Risk Model

Chuan-Ju Wang, Tian-Shyr Dai, and Jr-Yan Wang
Conference TalkThe 2016 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association (FMA'16), Las Vegas, 2016.

Measuring Social Influence on Online Collaborative Communities

Zhe-Li Lin, Yu-Ming Lu, Ming-Feng Tsai, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference TalkThe 7th Asian Conference on Social Sciences (ACSS '16), Kobe, 2016. (poster paper)

Evaluating Corporate Bonds and Analyzing Market Participants Behaviors with Complex Debt Structure

Tian-Shyr Dai, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Liang-Chih Liu
Conference TalkThe 2015 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association (FMA'15), Orlando, 2015. (Best paper award in derivatives sponsored by Chicago Trading Company)

Deep Belief Networks for Predicting Corporate Defaults

Shu-Hao Yeh, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Ming-Feng Tsai
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 24th IEEE Wireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC'15), Taipei, 2015, pp. 159-163.

Social Influencer Analysis with Factorization Machines

Ming-Feng Tsai, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Zhe-Li Lin
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci'15), Oxford, 2015, Article No. 50. (poster paper)

On the Construction and Analysis of Financial Time-Series-Oriented Lexicons

Chen-Yi Lai, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Ming-Feng Tsai
Conference TalkThe 35th International Symposium on Forecasting (ISF'15), Riverside, 2015.

Evaluating Corporate Bonds with Complicated Liability Structures and Bond Provisions

Chuan-Ju Wang, Tian-Shyr Dai, and Yuh-Dauh Lyuu
Journal PaperEuropean Journal of Operational Research, 237(2), 749-757, 2014.


This paper presents a general and numerically accurate lattice methodology to price risky corporate bonds. It can handle complex default boundaries, discrete payments, various asset sales assumptions, and early redemption provisions for which closed-form solutions are unavailable. Furthermore, it can price a portfolio of bonds that accounts for their complex interaction, whereas traditional approaches can only price each bond individually or a small portfolio of highly simplistic bonds. Because of the generality and accuracy of our method, it is used to investigate how credit spreads are influenced by the bond provisions and the change in a firm’s liability structure due to bond repayments.

Evaluating Corporate Bonds with Complex Debt Structure

Tian-Shyr Dai, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Liang-Chih Liu
Conference TalkConference on Recent Developments in Financial Econometrics and Applications, Melbourne, 2014.

On the Design of Trading Schemes of Equity Funds Based on Random Traders

Ta-Wei Hung, Mu-En Wu, Chuan-Ju Wang, William W.Y. Hsu, and Jan-Ming Ho
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing (GrC'14), Noboribetsu, 2014, pp. 106-111.

Financial Keyword Expansion via Continuous Word Vector Representations

Ming-Feng Tsai and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP'14), Doha, 2014, pp. 1453-1458. (short paper, acceptance rate: 28%)

Pricing Convertible Bonds under the First-Passage Credit Risk Model

Tian-Shyr Dai, Jr-Yan Wang, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference TalkThe 22nd Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting, and Management (PBFEAM'14), Nagoya, 2014

Corporate Default Prediction via Deep Learning

Shu-Hao Yeh, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Ming-Feng Tsai
Conference TalkThe 34th International Symposium on Forecasting (ISF'14), Rotterdam, 2014.

Evaluating Corporate Bonds with Complex Debt Structure

Tian-Shyr Dai, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Liang-Chih Liu
Conference TalkThe 23rd European Financial Management Association Conference (EFMA'14), Rome, 2014.

Optimal Search for Parameters in Monte Carlo Simulation for Derivative Pricing

Chuan-Ju Wang and Ming-Yang Kao
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering & Economics (CIFEr'14), London, 2014, pp. 384-390.

Realized Tax Benefits and Capital Structure

Tian-Shyr Dai and Chuan-Ju Wang
Journal PaperInternational Journal of Bonds and Derivatives, 1(1), 88-109, 2013.


We examine the change of levered firm's capital structures due to different investment decisions of realised tax benefits and various sources of fund to finance coupon and dividend payouts. The complexity is analytically intractable but numerical approaches provide insights. Retaining realised tax benefits and investing them in risk-free assets instead of risky ones result in higher debt capacity and optimal firm value. The impact of positive-net-worth bond covenants on shareholders' investment decisions of realised tax benefits and the related agency problem are analysed. The impact of selling firm's asset (to finance payout) on optimal levered firm value is also analysed.

A Multi-Phase, Flexible, and Accurate Lattice for Pricing Complex Derivatives with Multiple Market Variables

Tian-Shyr Dai, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Yuh-Dauh Lyuu
Journal PaperJournal of Futures Markets, 33(9), 795-826, 2013.


With the rapid growth and the deregulation of financial markets, many complex derivatives have been structured to meet specific financial goals. Unfortunately, most complex derivatives have no analytical formulas for their prices, particularly when there is more than one market variable. As a result, these derivatives must be priced by numerical methods such as lattice. However, the nonlinearity error of lattices due to the nonlinearity of the derivative's value function could lead to oscillating prices. To construct an accurate, multivariate lattice, this study proposes a multiphase method that alleviates the oscillating problem by making the lattice match the “critical locations,” locations where nonlinearity of the derivative's value function occurs. Moreover, our lattice has the ability to model the jumps in the market variables such as regular withdraws from an investment account, which is hard to deal with analytically. Numerical results for vulnerable options, insurance contracts guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit (GMWB), and defaultable bonds show that our methodology can be applied to the pricing of a wide range of complex financial contracts.

A Trading Scheme of Equity Funds Based on Random Traders

Ta-Wei Hung, Mu-En Wu, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Jan-Ming Ho
Conference TalkMacao International Symposium on Accounting and Finance, Macau, 2013.

Financial Sentiment Analysis for Risk Prediction

Chuan-Ju Wang, Ming-Feng Tsai, Tse Liu, and Chin-Ting Chang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 6th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP'13), Nagoya, 2013, pp. 802-808. (short paper, acceptance rate: 38%)

Risk Ranking from Financial Reports

Ming-Feng Tsai and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 35th annual European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR'13), Moscow, 2013, pp. 804-807. (short paper, acceptance rate: 30%)

Visualization on Financial Terms via Risk Ranking from Financial Reports

Ming-Feng Tsai and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computational linguistics (Coling'12), Mumbai, 2012, pp. 447-452. (demo paper)

Post-Modern Portfolio Theory for Information Retrieval

Ming-Feng Tsai and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the International Neural Network Society Symposium on Data Analytics and Competitions (Procedia Computer Science) (SoDAC '12), Bangkok, 2012, Volume 13, pp. 80-85.

A Multi-Phase, Flexible, and Accurate Lattice for Pricing Complex Derivatives on Multiple Market Variables

Chuan-Ju Wang, Tian-Shyr Dai, and Yuh-Dauh Lyuu
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering & Economics (CIFEr'12), New York, 2012, pp. 1-8. (Best paper award)

Evaluating Corporate Bonds with General Liability Structures and Bond Covenants under the Jump-Diffusion

Tian-Shyr Dai, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Yuh-Dauh Lyuu
Conference TalkThe 2011 Annual Meeting of Financial Management Association (FMA'11), Denver, 2011.

On the Construction and Complexity of Bivariate Lattice with Stochastic Interest Rate Models

Yuh-Dauh Lyuu and Chuan-Ju Wang (Authors are listed in alphabetical order.)
Journal PaperComputers and Mathematics with Applications, 61(4), 1107-1121, 2011.


Complex financial instruments with multiple state variables often have no analytical formulas and therefore must be priced by numerical methods, like lattice ones. For pricing convertible bonds and many other interest rate-sensitive products, research has focused on bivariate lattices for models with two state variables: stock price and interest rate. This paper shows that, unfortunately, when the interest rate component allows rates to grow in magnitude without bounds, those lattices generate invalid transition probabilities. As the overwhelming majority of stochastic interest rate models share this property, a solution to the problem becomes important. This paper presents the first bivariate lattice that guarantees valid probabilities. The proposed bivariate lattice grows (super)polynomially in size if the interest rate model allows rates to grow (super)polynomially. Furthermore, we show that any valid constant-degree bivariate lattice must grow superpolynomially in size with log-normal interest rate models, which form a very popular class of interest rate models. Therefore, our bivariate lattice can be said to be optimal.

A Closed-form Formula for an Option with Discrete and Continuous Barriers

Chun-Ying Chen, Pei-Ju Chou, Jeff Yu-Shun Hsu, Wisely Po-Hong Liu, Yuh-Dauh Lyuu, and Chuan-Ju Wang (Authors are listed in alphabetical order.)
Journal PaperCommunications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 40(2), 345-357, 2011.


This article presents a methodology to derive analytical formulas for a class of complicated financial derivatives with a continuously monitored barrier and a few discretely monitored ones. Numerical results based on concrete numbers for the parameters are presented and analyzed.

An Efficient and Accurate Lattice for Pricing Derivatives under a Jump-Diffusion Process

Tian-Shyr Dai, Chuan-Ju Wang, Yuh-Dauh Lyuu, and Yen-Chun Liu
Journal Paper Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217(7), 3174-3189, 2010.


Derivatives are popular financial instruments whose values depend on other more fundamental financial assets (called the underlying assets). As they play essential roles in financial markets, evaluating them efficiently and accurately is critical. Most derivatives have no simple valuation formulas; as a result, they must be priced by numerical methods such as lattice methods. In a lattice, the prices of the derivatives converge to theoretical values when the number of time steps increases. Unfortunately, the nonlinearity error introduced by the nonlinearity of the option value function may cause the pricing results to converge slowly or even oscillate significantly. The lognormal diffusion process, which has been widely used to model the underlying asset’s price dynamics, does not capture the empirical findings satisfactorily. Therefore, many alternative processes have been proposed, and a very popular one is the jump-diffusion process. This paper proposes an accurate and efficient lattice for the jump-diffusion process. Our lattice is accurate because its structure can suit the derivatives’ specifications so that the pricing results converge smoothly. To our knowledge, no other lattices for the jump-diffusion process have successfully solved the oscillation problem. In addition, the time complexity of our lattice is lower than those of existing lattice methods by at least half an order. Numerous numerical calculations confirm the superior performance of our lattice to existing methods in terms of accuracy, speed, and generality.

Realized Tax Benefits and Capital Structure

Tian-Shyr Dai, Wanye Lee, and Chuan-Ju Wang
Conference TalkThe 2010 Southern Finance Association Meetings (SFA'10), Asheville, 2010.

A Novel Lattice Model for Evaluating Corporate Debts with Complex Liability Structures and Debt Covenants

Tian-Shyr Dai, Chuan-Ju Wang, and Yuh-Dauh Lyuu.
Conference TalkAsian Finance Association 2010 International Conference (AsianFA'10), Hong Kong, 2010.

How To Build Formulas for Options with Both Continuous and Discrete Barriers from Few Basic Barrier-Type Options

Chun-Ying Chen, Yuh-Dauh Lyuu, and Chuan-Ju Wang (Authors are listed in alphabetical order.)
Conference TalkAsian Finance Association 2010 International Conference (AsianFA'10), Hong Kong, 2010.

On the Complexity of the Bivariate Lattice with Stochastic Interest Rate Models

Chuan-Ju Wang and Yuh-Dauh Lyuu
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics (IMCIC'10), Orlando, 2010, pp. 144-149. (Best paper award in the session "Complexity")

A Closed-Form Formula for an Option with Discrete and Continuous Barriers

Chun-Ying Chen, Pei-Ju Chou, Jeff Yu-Shun Hsu, Wisely Po-Hong Liu, Yuh-Dauh Lyuu, and Chuan-Ju Wang (Authors are listed in alphabetical order.)
Conference TalkThe 49th Southwestern Finance Association Annual Meeting (SWFA'10), Dallas, 2010.

An Efficient and Accurate Lattice for Pricing Derivatives under a Jump-Diffusion Process

Chuan-Ju Wang, Tian-Shyr Dai, Yuh-Dauh Lyuu, and Yen-Chun Liu
Conference TalkThe 2009 Financial Management Association European Conference (FMAEuro'09), Turin, 2009.

A Novel Tree Model for Evaluating Credit Risk Based on Enhanced Structural Model

Chuan-Ju Wang, Tian-Shyr Dai, and Yuh-Dauh Lyuu
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 44th EURO Working Group on Financial Modeling Meeting (EWGFM'09), San Jose, 2009.

An Efficient and Accurate Lattice for Pricing Derivatives under a Jump-Diffusion Process

Chuan-Ju Wang, Tian-Shyr Dai, Yuh-Dauh Lyuu, and Yen-Chun Liu
Conference ProceedingsIn Proceedings of the 24th annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'09), Hawaii, 2009, pp. 428-432. (full paper, acceptance rate: 29%)

On the Construction and Complexity of Bivariate Lattices

Chuan-Ju Wang
Doctoral DissertationNational Taiwan University, 2011. (Best doctoral dissertation runner-up award of Operations Research Society of Taiwan and Chinese Institute of Decision Sciences)

Current Teaching

  • Present 2016

    Programming (Python)

    Graduate Level
    TIGP Program on BIOinformatics (BP), Academia Sinica

Teaching History

  • 2017 2013

    Social Network and Applications

    Undergraduate Level
    Department of Computer Science, University of Taipei

  • 2016 2013


    Undergraduate Level
    Department of Computer Science, University of Taipei

  • 2016 2012

    System Programming

    Undergraduate Level
    Department of Computer Science, University of Taipei

  • 2015 2015

    Web Search and Mining

    Undergraduate Level
    Department of Computer Science, University of Taipei

  • 2014 2012

    Computer Programming

    Undergraduate Level
    Department of Computer Science, University of Taipei
    Department of Mathematical Sciences, National Chengchi University

  • 2014 2014

    Java Programming (2)

    Undergraduate Level
    Department of Computer Science, University of Taipei

  • 2013 2013

    Thesis Writing

    Graduate Level
    Department of Computer Science, University of Taipei

  • 2013 2011

    Advanced Educational Statistics

    Graduate Level
    Program of E-Learning, University of Taipei

  • 2012 2012

    Introduction to Financial Computing

    Undergraduate Level
    Department of Computer Science, University of Taipei

  • 2011 2011

    Java Programming (1)

    Undergraduate Level
    Department of Computer Science, University of Taipei

  • 2011 2011

    Introduction to Software Engineering

    Undergraduate Level
    Department of Computer Science, University of Taipei